// charity

El legado vive


EL LEGADO VIVE is a non govermental and non profit organization.

We help the poorest and most vulnerable kids from the age of 1 to 18 in the barrios in Cúcuta, Colombia.
Our team consists entirely of volunteers, who want to contribute to a better world.
They do not have any other motives nor personal benefits.


EL LEGADO VIVE is an organization that stands for peace, healing and hope.
We are giving the youth in Colombia a chance to feel safe, to be loved and through the projects and activities a chance and hope for a better future.
Nowadays, many of them are traumatized because of war , family has been murdered or they live in neighbourhoods with an extreme high murder rate. Also they live in extreme situations of poverty, dominated by violence, a lack of safety, without any chance to study, to have a decent job.


We as EL LEGADO VIVE are organizing projects and activities. The difference between activities and projects is the aim we want to achieve.Through the activities (paar voorbeelden) we are focusing upon the whole neighborhood to become one and to take care of each other and to enjoy ourselves as one 'family'.By the projects we are giving the opportunity to the most willing and active children to be part of a soccer team, a dance team or even to learn English and much more.
Then they can discover their talents and passions. Through the projects they will learn how they can build a better future for themselves without joining a gang/criminal organization or to get involved with prostitution or drugs.


Cada vez que escribes el nombre de la organización, escribela en letras cursivas.Support us by donating.Through the Tikkie platform you can donate to help the children of El Legado Vive. The donations are being used for the projects in the neighborhood Brisas del Mirador.Click here to donate!

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